- Western Fortunes Inc. reserves the right to refuse any stallion nomination or offspring enrolment at its discretion.
- All disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of any rules or conditions of the Western Fortunes Inc. Incentive Program shall be decided by Western Fortunes Inc.
- Western Fortunes Inc. reserves the right to alter the conditions of all or part of the incentive fund program as it, in its sole discretion. Western Fortunes Inc. may cancel the program at any time and refund money for 4-year olds and under, excluding interest, GST, 20% of nomination fees, $20.00 Hi-Point Award fee and $10.50 administration fee if it deems participation is insufficient to justify the program.
- Stallions must be re-nominated yearly and pay the nomination fee in full by April 15th the year prior to the nomination year. Failure to meet the nomination deadline could result in the stallion being dropped from the program. No refunds.
- A current listing of all eligible foals that are named and paid in full will be listed on our website,
- Owners’ names and contact information will be listed on our website,, and used in Western Fortunes Inc. social media networks.
- Events for the upcoming year will be listed on our website,
- For a Western Fortunes’ offspring to be eligible for incentive money they must make entry online directly on the WF website and check the "WF" box on the event producer' entry form.
- On event producer's entry form, designate WF horse and use horse’s registered name only (spelled correctly) NO BARN NAMES
- Complete an online sidepot entry form WF Event Entry form directly on the Western Fortunes website
- Upload copy of offspring’s registration papers from an accredited breed association showing the CURRENT OWNER with each entry
- Have current address on file with the WF office (must be done before winnings will be issued)
- All nomination/enrolment fees and money pay-outs will be in Canadian Funds.
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) at 5% is added to all nomination & enrolment fees.
- Western Fortunes Inc. reserves the right to refuse any stallion nomination.
- Stallion nominator must be the registered owner of the stallion at the time of nomination. All stallion incentive money will be paid to the last recorded stallion nominator.
- The Western Fortunes Inc. Incentive Program limits their stallion nominations so stallion owner's are encouraged to add your stallion to the waitlist. It is FREE to do so and may be the only way to get into the program in the future. Western Fortunes Downloadable Forms.
- If a stallion owner sells their currently nominated WF stallion, they can choose to either sell the nomination slot with the stallion, drop the nominated stallion or retain the nomination slot and nominate a different stallion that they own. If the stallion owner sells the stallion without the nomination slot, the original stallion will no longer be considered a WF stallion. No nomination fee refunds.
- If a WF nominated stallion dies or becomes unfit for breeding, the owner will be able to nominate a different stallion under the same ownership. A veterinary certificate may be requested by Western Fortunes Inc. along with a New Stallion application. No nomination fee refunds.
- If a WF nominated stallion does not have any offspring enrolling into the program for 2 consecutive years they may be dropped from the program. No nomination fee refunds.
- Any stallion who does not have an offspring (of any age) enrol into the program during a calendar year (by any owner) will be required to enrol an offspring sired by the named stallion and owned by either themselves or someone else. If there is no offspring to enrol, the stallion owner will be required to pay the current “weanling” enrolment fee + GST and administration fee 5 days after being notified by Western Fortunes Inc. Failure to do so will result in all future incentive winnings (breeder, offspring & stallion) being forfeited & may result in the stallion being dropped from the program.
- If a stallion owner drops the stallion from the program for any reason, the stallion will not be eligible for re-enrolment under the same ownership.
- If a stallion drops the program before 3-consecutive years of nomination, the stallion will NOT be eligible to earn incentive money in the future.
- If a stallion is nominated into the program for 3 or more consecutive years, the last listed stallion owner/nominator with Western Fortunes Inc. will be eligible to earn incentive money for all enrolled offspring, regardless of stallion ownership of when the offspring were enrolled.
- If a stallion dies while nominated into the program, the stallion will be eligible to win incentive money for as long as the offspring wins.
- If a stallion dies or drops, the current stallion owner/nominator is no longer required to pay a nomination fee, if it falls under rule/clause # 10 or 11 (above) to be eligible for future incentive money payouts.
- Stallions must be re-nominated yearly to remain in the program at the current nomination fee. Stallions must be nominated and pay the nomination fee by April 15th the year prior to the nomination year. Failure to meet the nomination deadline could result in the stallion being dropped from the program.
- Stallions 7-Yrs Old & Younger in 2026 (Born 2019 & after) $1,100.00 + GST and $10.50 administration fee due by April 15th the year prior to the nomination year
- Stallions 8-Yrs Old & Older in 2026 (Born 2018 & before) $1,575.00 + GST and $10.50 administration fee due by April 15th the year prior to the nomination year
New Stallion Nomination
- The WF office will contact a new stallion from the waitlist by email when an opening becomes available.
- Open to either Canadian or United States ownership.
- Stallion can reside in either Canada or the United States.
- Stallion must be living and not be gelded at the time of new/original nomination.
- New stallions must be nominated and pay all fees once contacted by the Western Fortunes office.
- Failure to meet nomination and payment deadlines may result in a stallion being dropped from the program.
- A copy of the stallion’s breed registration papers showing current ownership must be included with the nomination form.
- Stallion must provide two pictures at the time of nomination.
- Stallions will not be added to the Western Fortunes website unless their nomination fee has been paid and all requested information has been received by the WF office.
- Stallions 7-Yrs Old & Younger in 2026 (Born 2019 & after) $1,100.00 + GST and $10.50 administration fee due by April 15th the year prior to the nomination year
- Stallions 8-Yrs Old & Older in 2026 (Born 2018 & before) $1,575.00 + GST and $10.50 administration fee due by April 15th the year prior to the nomination year
Waitlisted Stallions
- Western Fortunes Inc. will contact the stallion owner by email.
- Failure to answer the email by the deadline date listed in the New Stallion letter or declining the nomination opening will result in the stallion being moved to the bottom of the waitlist.
- Failure to answer the email by the deadline date listed in the New Stallion letter or declining the nomination opening for a second time will result in the stallion being taken off the waitlist. The stallion owner will have to submit another stallion waitlist form to have the stallion added back onto the bottom of the list.
- Only offspring sired by currently nominated Western Fortunes stallions are eligible for enrolment into the Western Fortunes program by choosing one of the fee schedules below:
- Western Fortunes reserves the right to refuse any offspring enrolment.
- Offspring never have to pay an extra WF entry fee to compete for Western Fortunes incentive money at host events, however all event producers entry & rollover fees have to be paid to the hosting show office.
- All enrolled offspring will be listed on the Western Fortunes website. Offspring will not appear on the Western Fortunes website until registration papers are provided.
- The Western Fortunes office will provide a WF logo sticker for the enrolled offspring’s registration papers. A WF sticker on a horse’s registration papers does not guarantee that a horse is paid in full to the program. Contact the Western Fortunes office for confirmation of enrolment.
- TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: The new owner must provide the Western Fortunes office a copy of the registration papers showing current ownership along with current contact information.
- If the Western Fortunes program is canceled prior to the offspring’s 5-year old year, enrolment fees, excluding interest, GST, 20% of enrolment fees, $20.00 Hi-Point Cash Award fee and $10.50 administration fee will be refunded to 4-year olds and under.
- If an offspring’s sire drops the program the offspring always remains enrolled and is always eligible to win incentive money.
- Offspring enrolment is a ONE-TIME fee. Enrolment deadline is December 1st at the current year’s fees. Offspring turn another year older as of January 1st every year!
Pay in full by December 1st of the WEANLING YEAR for a ONE-TIME fee of $200.00.
Yearlings and Older
Yearlings $300.00
2-Year Olds and Older $1,000.00
GRANDFATHER CLAUSE: All yearling and older offspring sired by newly nominated Western Fortunes stallions can be grandfathered into the program for a ONE-TIME fee if received by December 1st using the schedule below:
Offspring yearling & older sired by 2025 & 2026 nominated WF stallions $250.00
Note: Any offspring of competition age that enrolls into the Western Fortunes program in 2025 sired by a newly nominated 2025 stallion WILL BE ELIGIBLE to compete for Western Fortunes incentive money in 2025.
2025 Offspring Enrolment form, enrolment fees and a copy of offspring’s registration papers showing CURRENT OWNERSHIP must be in to the WF office 10 business days prior to the start of the event to be eligible for WF incentive money.
Any offspring of competition age that enrolls into the Western Fortunes program in 2025 sired by a 2026 nominated stallion WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE to compete for Western Fortunes incentive money until 2026.
Please be reminded that a copy of the front and back of the registration papers showing the CURRENT OWNER along with a completed WF EVENT ENTRY FORM must accompany each entry at a WF co-sanctioned event to be eligible for incentive money. If ownership is misrepresented, owner money will be forfeited.
The Dam is enrolled into Western Fortunes for FREE when the offspring is enrolled and is eligible to win annual Hi-Point Awards.
There are NEVER any additional fees and the BREEDER is eligible to win a 20% incentive money kickback as long as the offspring wins!
Even if the offspring’s sire drops out of the program, the BREEDER of the offspring always remains enrolled and is always eligible to win a 20% incentive money kickback.
* BREEDER (owner of the mare at the time of breeding)
Money Distribution
- All nomination fees will become part of the “incentive reward money” purse and distributed pursuant to these rules.
- 80% of all nomination fees received will be held by Western Fortunes Inc. for distribution as incentive reward money. 20% of all nomination fees shall be deducted when received as an office charge by Western Fortunes Inc. for promotion and administering the program. Any interest earned on incentive reward money and GST shall be retained by Western Fortunes Inc.
- Offspring nomination fees will be held and distributed as incentive reward money on the offspring’s 5-year old year. Stallion nomination fees will be distributed as incentive reward money the year of the stallion’s nomination.
- Incentive reward money will be distributed as follows:
- 50% to the Offspring Owner
- 30% to the Stallion Owner
- 20% to the Breeder
- Winners of incentive reward money will be posted on the website. Owner distributions will be available approximately four weeks after the event producer gets full results to the Western Fortunes Inc. office. Breeder and Stallion distributions will be available at the end of the applicable year.
- It is the responsibility of the incentive reward money winner to provide Western Fortunes Inc. with current address before any distributions are made.
- Any Incentive money not claimed by December 15th of the year it was earned, is forfeited by the winner and will be added to future incentive payouts.
Futurity Competition
- A rider can ride more than one Western Fortunes Inc. offspring in a futurity event.
- Offspring must be 5-years of age or under and never have competed in a barrel race prior to November 15th of the previous year. Horses can be run one year in a futurity.
- Money will not be paid out to contestants who knock over barrels.
- Average payout will be based on the two long go rounds. See example payouts.
Derby/Maturity Competition
- A rider can ride more than one Western Fortunes Inc. offspring in a derby/maturity event.
- Offspring must be 8 years of age or under. Western Fortunes will follow the event producer's age requirements for Derby/Maturity horses entered at their event.
- Money will not be paid out to contestants who knock over barrels.
- Average payout will be based on the two long go rounds. See example payouts.
Open Competition
- Any Western Fortunes Inc. offspring can be eligible for Western Fortunes Inc. incentive money at open events, regardless of age.
- Western Fortunes Inc. incentive money will be paid on a 4D format based on the time of the fastest Western Fortunes Inc. eligible offspring with ½ second splits between each division.
- To be eligible for Western Fortunes Inc. Incentive Money, refer to rule # 8 under General Rules.
- A rider can ride more than one Western Fortunes Inc. offspring in an open event.
- Money will not be paid out to contestants who knock over barrels.
If a Western Fortunes enrolled offspring is ridden by more than one competitor or entered twice, the offspring will be paid on the fastest time only.
If a horse/owner/rider combination runs twice in the same class, the offspring will be placed on the fastest time only.
If no offspring fall into any one particular division the payout for that division will be divided equally between the remaining divisions.
If only one offspring places in a division, that horse shall receive the entire payout for that division.
- If only two offspring place in a division the money split will be: 54%-46%
- If only three offspring place in a division the money split will be: 40-33-27%.
- If only four offspring place in a division the money split will be: 35-28-22-15%
Entering/WF Sidepots
Run for WF Incentive Money with NO additional WF entry fee!
All you have to do is:
On the event producer’s entry form, designate WF horse. Use the horse’s registered name only (spelled correctly) NO BARN NAMES.
Complete a WF Sidepot Entry form below and upload a copy of the front and back of registration papers directly on the WF website before the start of the event.