A Classic Fame | 2016 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Whizz Ta Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Chloe Crossley | (306) 435-9683 |
A Frosty Fling | 2015 | Stallion | A Streak Of Fling | PC Sun Lonita | Sun Frost | Cody Wolbeck | (780) 781-0902 |
A Goldmine Of Love | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Broncs Love | Bronces Diamond | Kent & Kara Drake | (306) 681-4570 |
A Secret Charmer | 2016 | Mare | Secret Zoom | A Beduino Charmer | Rightfully A Beduino | Teri Dewald | (204) 641-2847 |
A Special League | 2016 | Stallion | Plain Special | Miss Big League | My Own League | Max & Corrine Tateson | (403) 363-5031 |
A Streak Of Okey | 2016 | Stallion | BF Streakin Merridoc | Shes Okey Dokey | Okey Dokey Dale | Jennifer & Tyler Graham | (306) 953-8414 |
A Streaking Hula | 2015 | Stallion | Frenchs Hula Guy | DMO Streak A Brooke | A Streak Of Fling | Carman Pozzobon | (604) 500-3025 |
Aint Seen The Wind | 2016 | Mare | Aint Seen Nothin Yet | Summit Winds | Mountains Majesty | Kenton & Kaylee-Jo Fawcett | (403) 704-0755 |
ALG Classy Lil Roo | 2016 | Gelding | Little Lenaroo | Remedys Twistn Dolly | Lethal Remedy | Lisa M Groves | (780) 753-7682 |
ALG Diamonds N Gold | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Remedys Twistn Dolly | Lethal Remedy | Orlene Farrar | (780) 305-4512 |
Alien Rock Star | 2015 | Gelding | Tac Ta Fame | Sierra Tiller | Pabs San Fly | Tana Millard | (403) 307-4323 |
Archibald Is Classic | 2016 | Stallion | A Classic Guy | Queen Of Hazard | Dudes Of Hazards | Knudsen Farms Ltd | (403) 787-2471 |
Barrels My Specialty | 2016 | Gelding | Plain Special | Miss Solanos Freedom | Solanos Peppy San | Glen Loitz/Kelley Byrne | (306) 960-1144 |
Batmans Firewater | 2015 | Mare | SR Mr Firewater | Batmans Easy Dash | Tac Ta Fame | Lindy & Clayton Schira | (306) 861-5182 |
Bazoomga | 2015 | Stallion | Secret Zoom | Leolee Reyson | Sonitas Reyson | Kevin Bridgeman | (204) 847-2112 |
BDB Capton Quick | 2015 | Stallion | Capton TJ | La Native alibi | Nativequickdash | Sandra Stewart | (306) 861-2229 |
BDB Famous Bel Jake | 2016 | Gelding | BDB Famous Swing | Bellas Twilight | Fast Debonair | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Famous Debonair | 2016 | Mare | BDB Famous Swing | Reckless Queen | Winners Cashier | Brody Johnston | (519) 771-3746 |
BDB Famous Fast Man | 2015 | Gelding | BDB Famous Swing | Hunters Time | Eye Take Time | Jade Dickenson | (438) 886-1055 |
BDB Famous Red | 2016 | Gelding | BDB Famous Swing | BDB Jess Reckless | Cer Jess Be Nimble | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Famous Toonie | 2016 | Gelding | BDB Famous Swing | BDB Jess Be Coining | Cer Jess Be Nimble | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Jess A Dollar | 2016 | Mare | Cer Jess Be Nimble | High Dollar Trip | Blushing Bug | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Jess Famous Red | 2015 | Stallion | Cer Jess Be Nimble | BDB Ruby Red Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Kasey Hiatt | (701) 648-8363 |
BDB Jessaswing | 2015 | Mare | Cer Jess Be Nimble | Little Western Swing | Dash For Perks | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Jesses Ruby | 2016 | Mare | Cer Jess Be Nimble | BDB Ruby Red Fame | Dash Ta Fame | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Lil Famous Bug | 2015 | Gelding | BDB Famous Swing | Jess A Lil Ladybug | Capton TJ | Shelby Olyschlager | (905) 746-8900 |
BDB Macs Zee | 2016 | | Mac N Fame | Zee Bull | Bully Bullion | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Soariing Hawk | 2016 | Gelding | Cer Jess Be Nimble | My Heart Soars | Furyofthewind | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
BDB Teller Cer Fox | 2015 | Gelding | Cer Jess Be Nimble | Teller Iam Knud | Teller Cartel | T R Bennie | (204) 673-2607 |
Beamers Red Mercedes | 2016 | Mare | Sympatico Red | Shell Takyou On | On The Dash | Laura Jane James | (250) 318-9430 |
BF Hagans Firstfling | 2015 | Gelding | BF Streakin Merridoc | Runaway Tops | Sammies Runaway | Janet R Hall | (306) 457-7851 |
Birdsbreezytribute | 2015 | Mare | Run Bully | Birds Last Tribute | Jet Tribute | Leanne Waddle | (204) 851-3575 |
Blazin Gold Bar | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Blazin Hot Superstar | Blazin Jetolena | Donna Beierbach | (306) 299-2073 |
Boonlitmalickin 75 | 2015 | Mare | Boonlit | Sonitas Rocket | JDS Rebel Rouser | Lorie McIvor | (780) 919-2327 |
Boots On The Bar | 2016 | Gelding | Root Beers Boots | Leroys Gay Bar Cindy | My Leroy Brown | Markie Lane Siklenka | (306) 240-9694 |
BQD Billy Miner | 2016 | Gelding | Scrutin Beduino | Easy Homecoming | Real Easy Buy | Bari & Marla Phillips | (306) 587-3473 |
BQD Debt Free | 2015 | Stallion | Scrutin Beduino | Easy Homecoming | Real Easy Buy | Bonnie Daines | (403) 227-1967 |
BQD Magnolia Pearl | 2016 | Mare | Scrutin Beduino | Kiss My Cash Bar | LDS Unleashed | Rachel Paradis | (780) 305-4699 |
BQD Neena Beduino | 2015 | Mare | Scrutin Beduino | Coca Doc Bar | Docs Paradise | Diane Y Skocdopole | (403) 740-9626 |
BQD Ruckus Beduino | 2015 | Mare | Scrutin Beduino | Chickle Olena | Chicado Book | Tana Millard | (403) 307-4323 |
Buck Nickid | 2016 | Gelding | Nickster | Merry A Frenchman | Frenchmans Buck | Chelsea Driedger | (204) 851-0331 |
Bugs By Design | 2015 | Mare | Slick By Design | Shes Got Bugs | Some Dasher | Suzanne Foster Moseley | (817) 235-8740 |
CA Zoom | 2015 | Mare | Secret Zoom | Cash Transaction | Bully Bullion | Clarissa Neufeld | (204) 245-0220 |
Call Me Perfet | 2015 | Mare | Raisin The Moon | Marthas Perfect | Perfect Possibility | Sydney Windjack | (306) 661-8959 |
Cartel Crimes | 2016 | Mare | Royale Cartel | Success Girl | Crimewave | Leah Kosolofski | (306) 441-6681 |
Casanova Magic | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Shez Snow Magic | Isle Be Thomas | Brooke Mellish | (250) 852-2727 |
Catch Me Steeling | 2016 | Stallion | Special Looki Wagon | Steel Catch | Caught Me Lookin | Melissa Berthiaume | (403) 352-3066 |
Catch N Stars | 2015 | Gelding | Caught A Wink | Kute Starlight | Paddys Irish Whiskey | Camille Reesor | (403) 937-2188 |
Caught Kits Moon | 2015 | Mare | Caught A Wink | Sweetwithease | Kits Moon Shadow | Cara Hammermaster | (780) 835-9173 |
Caught Me On The 99 | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Take A Peek Eh | Smart Little Baggins | Whitney Curry | (403) 793-0799 |
CD Gold Of Mine | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Laneys Last CD | CD Jewel | Lisa Starkey | (306) 741-9889 |
CD Lil Jewel | 2016 | Mare | CD Jewel | Lexis Lil Mate | Smart Mate | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
CD Lil Miss Command | 2016 | Mare | CD Jewel | Miss Cruella Command | Miss N Command | Joni Muri | (306) 741-5117 |
CD Perfect Package | 2016 | Gelding | CD Jewel | Iam Wild Angel | Tippy Can Too | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
CD Tip The Top | 2016 | Mare | CD Jewel | Tip Top Playgirl | Freckles Tip Top | Margo Hemmelder | (306) 774-6830 |
Chics Special Dagger | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Three Bar Chic | Fast Moon Chic | Melissa Faye Duff | (403) 999-5255 |
Chili Streak | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Sabres Super Looper | Outstanding Pro | Kerry Maynes | (306) 662-8811 |
CJ Tennessee Red | 2016 | Gelding | Sympatico Red | Swinging Ta Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Linda Ann Geensen | (250) 398-8159 |
CJC Shameless | 2015 | Mare | Bullet Thru Traffic | CJC A Bit Of Heaven | Swift Classic | Amanda Crowe | (403) 586-4822 |
CL Any Cash Will Do | 2016 | Gelding | Frenchmans Mystique | JDS Cash Injection | JDS Cash For Two | Diana or Ron Schulz | (604) 701-2632 |
CL Eyem Sure Quick | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Mystique | Charmed Eyem Sure | Mr Eye Opener | Tricia Howard | (780) 832-8363 |
CL French Infusion | 2015 | Stallion | Frenchmans Mystique | JDS Cash Injection | JDS Cash For Two | Shayla Leacock | (250) 428-1455 |
CL Mys O So Sweet | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Mystique | Lil Dash O Sweetness | First Down Dash | Amy Naismith | (204) 266-0454 |
CL Mysteriously Mia | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Mystique | Charmed Eyem Sure | Mr Eye Opener | Tammy Lee Taylor | (780) 278-4050 |
CL Mysticool Breeze | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Mystique | Easy Jackie Dee | Easy Jack CJ Lowry | Tory Chamberlin | (306) 528-7658 |
CL Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Ah | 2016 | Stallion | Frenchmans Mystique | RS Gol | Gol | Gaylene Buff | (250) 319-6651 |
CL Redleathernchrome | 2015 | Gelding | Frenchmans Mystique | Inkys Blue | Pecos Jayleo | Cliff Stratman | (780) 995-1367 |
Classicpeachesncream | 2015 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Docs 044 | Woodland Doc | Brittany Brausse | (250) 515-2709 |
Classy French Cowboy | 2015 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Docs Lil Bits | Desperado Doc | Chelsea & Brandon Plecas | (250) 308-2561 |
Coffee Is My Fling | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Just Plain Coffee | Just Plain Colonel | Angela Werstiuk | (780) 614-5611 |
Coronas Rockintalent | 2015 | Gelding | Mr Red Rock Leo Bar | Talented Empress | Prime Talent | Dawn Vandersteen | (204) 871-4930 |
Cowboys Casanovafame | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Mojo Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Diane Donaldson | (250) 703-3758 |
Cowboys Famous Guy | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Tryin To Be Famous | Dash Ta Fame | Pat Collen | (250) 203-4722 |
Cowboys Fire N Fame | 2016 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | RB A Firewater Freak | A Firewater Twist RB | Samantha Vadeboncoeur | (250) 218-8612 |
Cowboys Jesse James | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Jessica James Dean | Fly Jess Fly | Romacordelia Cox | (250) 709-8625 |
Cowboys Kissin Judge | 2015 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Acey Deucey Judge | Judge Cash | Linnea Cappos | (602) 677-7490 |
Cowboys Miss Dinero | 2016 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | MP Tres Dineros | PC Frenchmans Hayday | Diane Donaldson | (250) 703-3758 |
Cowboys Sudden Fame | 2016 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | CM Undertainfluence | Dash Ta Fame | Doug & Debbie Willis | (250) 295-5317 |
Cowboys Whisky Blurr | 2015 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Blurry Bet | Cokes Mcleos San | Shanda Rhea Davis | (604) 819-6501 |
Crackin Awesome | 2015 | Gelding | Crackin Hickory | Bea Little Peppy | Solanos Peppy San | Tucker & Kaitlyn Boyd | (406) 224-1854 |
Crackin Classic Gal | 2015 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Dry Crackin Cookie | Crackin Hickory | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
Crackin Goldminer | 2015 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Sheza Crackin Kitty | Crackin Hickory | Nichole Donnelly | (306) 267-7733 |
Crackin Ninety Nine | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Dry Crackin Cookie | Crackin Hickory | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
Crackin Smiles | 2015 | Gelding | Crackin Hickory | Sampo's Fool (TB) | Honorable Hero (TB) | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
Crackin Smokin Gun | 2016 | Stallion | Crackin Hickory | Genos Holly Doc | Mcarthurs Geno | Nichole Donnelly | (306) 267-7733 |
CU Catchin Firewater | 2015 | Mare | Caught A Wink | Three Extra | Extra Fire | Courtney Udal | (306) 661-7088 |
Dacs Agood Lazernick | 2016 | Gelding | Nickster | Lazer Mazer | Silver Maze | Tracy L Pedersen | (306) 537-2552 |
Dacs Fames In Silver | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fame KN | Laxer Y Lee Coyote | Silver Maze | Maire Nolan | (204) 741-8169 |
Dacs Lazer Rock Star | 2015 | Stallion | Mr Red Rock Leo Bar | Lazer Mazer | Silver Maze | Rachelle A Boyes | (204) 483-0369 |
Dash Of Firestorm | 2016 | Gelding | Firebugs | Dial A Dash Of Rain | NBS Dashing Star | Jennifer Hume | (250) 392-9434 |
Dash Ta Cowboy | 2015 | Stallion | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Savory Selena | Dash Ta Fame | Tex Prewitt | (509) 322-8652 |
Dash Ta Da Mine | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Dash Perfect | Dash Ta Fame | Renie Schnitzler | (306) 220-3245 |
Dashing And Special | 2016 | Mare | Debt Eliminator | Plain Little Bug | Plain Special | Carrie L Suitor | (403) 566-3996 |
DCE All Lit Up | 2016 | Mare | BHR Light My Fire | BF Special Game | Special Leader | Debbie Hertz | (403) 952-5285 |
DCE Fire In The Hole | 2016 | Mare | BHR Light My Fire | Regal Cowgirl | A Regal Choice | Jennifer Lauren Massing | (403) 783-1054 |
DDD Dont Judge MC | 2015 | Gelding | Missin Cash Effort | Foolish Cash Leader | Special Leader | Derek & Wanda Denham | (306) 278-8200 |
DDD Downrite Cool MC | 2016 | Gelding | Missin Cash Effort | Dyna To The Moon | Hes Downrite Special | Derek & Wanda Denham | (306) 278-8200 |
DDD Downrite MC | 2015 | Gelding | Missin Cash Effort | Dyna To The Moon | Hes Downrite Special | Kaycie M Conrad | (403) 437-8777 |
DDD High On MC | 2015 | Mare | Missin Cash Effort | Special Cash Rate | Dash Rate | Ashley Loitz | (306) 378-7130 |
DDD MC Moneymaker | 2015 | Gelding | Missin Cash Effort | Sheza Gallant Snip | Gallant Mister Arnie | Guy Hansen & Kelly Holbrook | (306) 528-7900 |
DDD One Sassy Mc | 2015 | Mare | Missin Cash Effort | Classy Clay Lady | JDS Lucky Dash | Karlee Bender | (306) 322-7373 |
DDD Rare MC | 2016 | Mare | Missin Cash Effort | Rare Elmily | Rare King | Kaycie M Conrad | (403) 437-8777 |
Delight De Judge | 2015 | Mare | Judge Cash | Sugars Gold Delight | Bandidos Gold | Cassidy Patricia Gardiner | (204) 851-5501 |
Designed By A Storm | 2015 | Gelding | Slick By Design | Foxy Mac Mac | Rare Bar | Kris & Wendy Molle | (780) 806-3894 |
Designed Four Fame | 2016 | Gelding | Frenchs Hula Guy | VF A Golden Design | Designer Red | Norma J Sure | (250) 305-9635 |
Dextersabullytopepy | 2015 | Gelding | Run Bully | Goldys Country Echo | Echo Country O Lea | Heather Carlson | (204) 868-0127 |
DF Azure Alot Ofrost | 2016 | Stallion | PC Sir Azure Frost | IC Worth The Wait | Ima Capital Dude | Aaron Buker | (780) 835-9614 |
DF Azure Frost | 2015 | Gelding | PC Sir Azure Frost | DF Driftin Away | Docz Choctaw Sabre | Rae & Kelly Lyng | (204) 851-3861 |
DF Badaz Frost | 2015 | Gelding | PC Sir Azure Frost | Peekers Pride | Whos Bad | Aubrie Park | (204) 861-2613 |
DF Bit Of Frostfire | 2015 | Stallion | PC Sir Azure Frost | Sekeena Fire | Corona Fire | Rachelle A Boyes | (204) 483-0369 |
DF Calyx Frost Cash | 2016 | Mare | PC Sir Azure Frost | Lady Cal | Calyx | Megan Edwards | (204) 573-6253 |
DF Desert Frost | 2016 | Mare | PC Sir Azure Frost | BSK Desert Diamond | The Desert Jewel | Donna M Sagin | (306) 434-7430 |
DF Frosted Magic | 2016 | Gelding | KK Secret Magic | TCR Miss Fancy Frost | PC Sir Azure Frost | Beverly Craig | (418) 808-7434 |
DF Frosty Dash | 2015 | Mare | PC Sir Azure Frost | Doctors Touchdown | First Down Kelly | James & Dawn Rae Gray | (204) 886-7274 |
DF Jess Perry Frost | 2016 | Mare | KK Secret Magic | Colonel Jackie Frost | PC Double Frost | Bruce Gardiner | (204) 856-3997 |
DF Natural Sunfrost | 2016 | Mare | PC Sir Azure Frost | Naturally Doc | High Style Hickory | Dean & Debbie Fenty | (204) 851-0333 |
DF Sunfrosts Leaven | 2016 | Stallion | PC Sir Azure Frost | Dazzled Diamonds | JA Faded Memories | Michelle Davey | (204) 720-2538 |
Dis Dudes Famous | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Keepin The Fame | Totsey O Dude | Doc O Dude | Beverly C Welsh | (403) 650-9249 |
Dixons Bold Boonlit | 2015 | Mare | Boonlit | Dixons Bold Kitty | A Real Wizard | Lyla Mackenzie | (778) 257-5552 |
DK Buggin On Fame | 2015 | Mare | Famous Playboy | Sissy B Bug | Shawne Bug | Kelli Acreman | (254) 964-4094 |
Docs Fame Guy | 2016 | Gelding | A Classic Guy | Dashing Book | LDS Unleashed | Tiffany Braithwaite | (604) 799-4349 |
Docs Royal Flit | 2016 | Mare | Fiesta Royale | Miss Real Precious | Real Easy Buy | Tracy Lynn Curran | (403) 502-3768 |
Double Money Dash | 2016 | Gelding | Brays Eye Full | Dash On Money | MRH Fancy Money | Lacey Marshall | |
Dual Nine Goldmine | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Missnduallette | LNC Smart Lil Dually | Nancy Lawrence-Naylen | (204) 851-1420 |
Dustin Perfect | 2015 | Gelding | Perfect Possibility | Tias Gas Duster | Gasohol | Jason Wheeler | (403) 866-5598 |
E Madge N Dale | 2016 | Mare | Mac N Fame | Rosa Caliente | Corona Caliente | Claudie Provencher | (581) 997-3147 |
Easy Dr Nick | 2016 | Stallion | As Good As Nick Gets | War Dutchess | War Easy Jet | Cheryl Mizera | (780) 723-6164 |
Easy Royal Reb | 2015 | Gelding | Barely Royal | Catbaloos Easy | Docs Paradise | Wendy Playfair | (403) 729-3098 |
Eureka Hulahesston | 2015 | Gelding | Frenchs Hula Guy | A Fast Horton Chic | Fast Moon Chic | Toni Dmetruik | (780) 618 6917 |
Eye M Who Eye M | 2016 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Eyema Special Lady | Mr Eye Opener | Bertina Olafson | (306) 865-3344 |
Eye Open For Money | 2016 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | Moneys Wilywood Bell | MRH Fancy Money | Samantha Chamberlin | (306) 528-7658 |
Eye Run On Cash | 2015 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | RH Apache Butterfly | Apache Blue Boy | Kelsey Wheeler | (204) 573-9565 |
Eye Take Money | 2015 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | Moneys Wilywood Bell | MRH Fancy Money | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Eyed Be Zoomin | 2015 | Stallion | Secret Zoom | Forever Twistin | Solanos Peppy San | Sherri Pridge | (250) 714-8682 |
Eyefull Of Cash | 2015 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | BB Bar Maid | TH Saint | Molly Kelleher | (204) 724-2722 |
Eyes Apache Blue Boy | 2015 | Gelding | Brays Eye Full | RH Apache Crystal | Apache Blue Boy | Elizabeth Slater | (250) 331-1469 |
Eyes Smooth Doc | 2015 | Stallion | Brays Eye Full | Marthas Starlight | HA Chairmans Prophet | Adele Sobey | (204) 485-6603 |
Eyeza Flashy Dell | 2015 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | Boggies Bay Lady | Boggies Flashy Dell | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Fame 101 | 2015 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Plan Ta Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Loralei & Garett Stokke | (306) 661-7811 |
Fame And Cash | 2016 | Mare | Debt Eliminator | Streakin Joanie | Streakin La Jolla | Kirby Finkbeiner | (403) 793-4688 |
Fame Dun Bother Me | 2015 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fame KN | Zans Bueno Gal | Zans Mister Dun | Tiffany Munsey | (778) 214-4843 |
Famous Dashing Bug | 2015 | Mare | Debt Eliminator | Plain Little Bug | Plain Special | Candace Lefebvre | (780) 717-5099 |
Famous First Okey | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fame KN | Laurel Elizabeth | Okey Dokey Dale | Jacqueline Rookes | (204) 748-8265 |
Famous French Gold | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Famous French Lady | Frenchmans Guy | Donna Beierbach | (306) 299-2073 |
Famous Frostys Fire | 2015 | Gelding | Debt Eliminator | Frostee Firewater | Fire Water Flit | Crystal Dukart | (306) 421-1227 |
Famous Generation | 2016 | Gelding | Debt Eliminator | Shes A Royal Charm | Royal Generation | Shawn & April Williamson | (306) 640-2255 |
Famous George | 2015 | Stallion | LK Sun Fame | Faster Flight | Capital Flight | Bronwen Keely Durrell | (250) 305-6490 |
Famous Perky Bug | 2016 | Gelding | Debt Eliminator | Mostly Bugs | Perks Alive | Dean & Jeanine Edge | (403) 704-5220 |
Famous Plain Special | 2015 | Mare | Debt Eliminator | Plain Effort | Plain Special | Amanda Jefferson | (250) 808-7609 |
Famous Witchin Bug | 2015 | Mare | Debt Eliminator | Witchin For Cash | Cash Not Credit | Kiara Redlick | (250) 681-1778 |
Famoustequillaphoto | 2016 | Mare | LK Sun Fame | Reckless Tequilla | LJ Photo Index | Glen Van Winkle | (250) 567-0101 |
Fancy Genuine | 2016 | Gelding | MRH Fancy Money | Leos Genuine Gal | Leo Drift Ash | Sarah Bramble | (613) 206-0178 |
Fancy Red Butterfly | 2016 | Mare | MRH Fancy Money | BB Ole Butterfly | Ole Heart Throb | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Fancy Sixarun | 2016 | Mare | MRH Fancy Money | Starborne Six | Sixarun | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Fancy Sweet Cedar | 2016 | Mare | MRH Fancy Money | Sweet Cedar | Mr Jess Perry | Kristy Gilchrist | (306) 661-8517 |
Fast Burnin Ember | 2016 | Mare | Kits Hemp | Kola Fires Burnin | Zero Maynard | Christine Mehling | (306) 227-2482 |
Fast Eye Full | 2016 | Gelding | Brays Eye Full | Sheza Fast Mito | Mitos Perfection | Jacey Boyes | (204) 741-0789 |
Fast French Chic | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Buck | Kenettas Duchess | Fast Moon Chic | Julie Glaicar | (306) 730-6402 |
Featuring Dashin Jes | 2016 | Gelding | Debt Eliminator | Reigning Scotch | Feature Mr Jess | Shawn & April Williamson | (306) 640-2255 |
Fireball Flit | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | VF Firebug | Bullys On Fire | Carlie Meyer | (250) 433-6210 |
Firen The Hol | 2016 | Mare | Jets Are Firen | High Holn Pistol | Meltonian | Stephanie Fakner | (403) 506-7037 |
Firewater Legend | 2016 | Mare | SR Mr Firewater | Miss Griddy Dash | Tac Ta Fame | Katlyn McLeod (McKay) | (306) 539-0881 |
First French Crime | 2015 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Carols Crime | Crimewave | Avery Hanowski | (306) 270-8199 |
Flames Fame And Fire | 2015 | Mare | Flaming Fire Water | Brandons Love | Apollo | Ashley Sudan | (406) 314-2822 |
Flashin Peppys Cash | 2015 | Mare | Missin Cash Effort | Royal Oak Peponita | Sir Royal Peponita | Kelly L Holbrook | (306) 528-7900 |
Flowerfull | 2016 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | Giverachance | Givemalickin | Kristy Gilchrist | (306) 662-2938 |
Fly For A French Guy | 2016 | Stallion | Frenchmans Mystique | Dees Definite Maybe | Perfect Possibility | Christine Miller | (604) 649-1455 |
Flying High On Coke | 2016 | Stallion | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Cokes Dancin Flame | Hot Rum N Coke | Clinton & Mona Boe | (250) 428-6477 |
Flys Easy Fame | 2016 | Gelding | Tac Ta Fame | Flys Easy Dash | Pabs San Fly | Sonda Marks | (520) 635-8790 |
French Destiny | 2015 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Miss Desert Sky | Pie In The Sky | Nicholas, Bonnie & Nicole Pana | (306) 640-9440 |
French Glitz N Glam | 2015 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Aliven Packin | Mr Packin Magic | Dusdee Shepperson | (307) 272-8186 |
French Jelly Roll | 2015 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Lasses Shadow | Pie In The Sky | Sydney Nowell | (604) 989-4360 |
French Lace N Frost | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Mystique | CL Frost On My Socks | Sienna Sunfrost | Kalyn & Stephan Peloquin | (403) 861-7179 |
Frenchguy Streakin | 2016 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fling | Frenchmans Tipper | Frenchmans Guy | Kareen Warren | (780) 242-4280 |
Frenchmans Copy Cat | 2016 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | VMF Delco Bell | Copy Rocket | Grant & Marlo Fosbery | (250) 378-0801 |
Frenchmans Cutter | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Buck | IB Cutter Kate | The Northern Lights | Bronte Ketsa | (780) 996-2484 |
Frenchs Gotsunnypep | 2016 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Merlins Gone Gold | Solanos Poco Merlin | Amber Dawes | (250) 954-8459 |
Frenchs Hula Rock | 2015 | Stallion | Frenchs Hula Guy | See Ya Corona | Corona King | Julie Henson | (250) 881-2024 |
Frenchs Lil Lady | 2015 | Mare | Frenchs Hula Guy | Pages Lil Cash | Turn Another Page | Jalaine Anderson-Henry | (403) 783-1256 |
Frenchys Rockin Rio | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Buck | Peppomint Barbee | Solanos San Rio | Lisa Madge | (306) 793-0059 |
Frenchys Sling Shot | 2015 | Gelding | Frenchmans Buck | Parklane Special | Strawfly Special | Ashlyn Campbell | (403) 559-7112 |
Frisky For Whiskey | 2016 | Gelding | Frenchmans Buck | Painted Woman | Paddys Irish Whiskey | Andrew & Tracey Furseth | (306) 294-9197 |
Fuego N Jess | 2016 | Stallion | Frenchmans Fuego | Perry Tee Kee Gal | Honor The Perry | Kelly Atcheynum | (306) 441-1064 |
Fuegos April Frost | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | Dashin Moetta | Dashin Is Easy | Kelly Atcheynum | (306) 441-1064 |
Fuegos Candi | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | All Reddy Candi | All Reddy Smart | Cathy Vayda | (778) 863-2042 |
Fuegos Cuda Girl | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | RT Cuda Bar | Cudas Part | Lisa Katsiris | (306) 229-7944 |
Fuegos Firewater Gal | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | TCR Drifting Frost | PC Sir Azure Frost | Whitney McNinch | (306) 830-9191 |
Fuegos French Candi | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | All Reddy Candi | All Reddy Smart | Elaine Scott | (780) 808-4310 |
Fuegos Frenchman Gal | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | HQH Jamies Playgun | Playin In Lightnin | Ashley & Leighton Wood | (306) 240-7242 |
Fuegos Frosty Chick | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | TCR Drifting Frost | PC Sir Azure Frost | Nancy Lonore Dancy | (306) 240-4156 |
Fuegos Jess Babe | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | Perrys Jackie Bee | Honor The Perry | Michyla Kielo | (306) 229-4974 |
Fuegos Starla | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Fuego | HQH Jamies Playgun | Playin In Lightnin | Lee-Anne Wood | (306) 240-9774 |
Fueled Up N Frosted | 2016 | Mare | PC Double Frost | Miss JB 0946 | Dallas Fuel | Lisa Trach | (780) 554-8611 |
Gaelic Frost | 2015 | Mare | PC Double Frost | Gaelic Lady | Jody O Toole | Bar 77 Ranch | (204) 761-6271 |
Gold Finding Compass | 2016 | Stallion | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Quick Twitch | Motatinn For Cash | Merryflat Ranch | (306) 662-8432 |
Gold Pumps | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Captainsgotsneakers | Captain Biankus | Erin R Durrell | (250) 305-5110 |
Gold Torche | 2015 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Jus Torche | Juc Cash | Murray or Lynn McGonigle | (403) 815-2721 |
Gold Way Out West | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Vartanushs Best | Western Dash | Orlene Farrar | (780) 305-4512 |
Golden Sparks Aflyin | 2015 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Merri D Judge | Judge Cash | Ashley Chapman | (587) 227-9968 |
Goldmines Easy Rebel | 2015 | Stallion | Ninety Nine Goldmine | CL This Can B Easy | This Black Can Do | Shauna Peters | (306) 750-9535 |
Goldminingfrenchman | 2016 | Gelding | Frenchmans Buck | Ninety Nine Special | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Chantalle Fortin | (705) 923-8188 |
Gotsomesugarntalent | 2016 | Mare | Prime Talent | Four Flyin Sugar | Four Roan Fly | Murray & Joanne Pole | (403) 740-9784 |
Gotta Be Huey | 2016 | Gelding | Hezgottabefamous | Payday Today | Blue Darter Jet | Sandy Hansma | (403) 625-9443 |
Guy With No Name | 2015 | Stallion | A Classic Guy | High Brows Kitty | High Brow Cat | Tara Schiller | (250) 392-0674 |
Guys Bad N Classy | 2016 | Gelding | A Classic Guy | Whos Cindy Lou | Time Line | Shalimar Santjer | (509) 460-8892 |
Guyschargintwist | 2016 | Mare | Guys Keepin The Fame | Taco Chargin Twist | LL Wranglers Yuma | Aspenn Richards | (905) 243-5707 |
Guys Cowboy Fame | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Dyna Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Christine Harris | (250) 897-6107 |
Guys Fancy Legacy | 2016 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Maromac Mona Lisa | Sir Irwin | Carleigh Alison King | (250) 303-3233 |
Guys French Moon | 2015 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Babys Blue Moon | Doc Freckles Leo | Sarah Jo Gerard | (250) 682-6089 |
Guys Onwego Sonoran | 2015 | Stallion | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Ms Cads Golden Devil | Continental Cad | William Koenig | (250) 485-8944 |
Guys Sparkle N Bling | 2015 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Oman I Sparkle | Smart O Man | Skye Hamming | (250) 307-7600 |
Guys Storm Cloud | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Lightnin Storm Cloud | Okey Dokey Dale | Trina Brown | (208) 573-6158 |
Hagans Charger Fling | 2015 | Gelding | BF Streakin Merridoc | Baileys Tiny Charger | Perrins Tivio Doc | Julie Leggett | (602) 802-7293 |
Hagans Fling Got Pep | 2015 | Mare | BF Streakin Merridoc | Poos Presciption | Prescribed By Major | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Fling N Fly | 2015 | Stallion | BF Streakin Merridoc | Strawflyin Illusions | Strawfly Special | Steve & Lora Lee Wick | (306) 856-3048 |
Hagans French Lady | 2015 | Mare | BF Streakin Merridoc | Frenchmans Mistee | Frenchmans Guy | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Frosty Fling | 2015 | Mare | BF Streakin Merridoc | TCR A Touch Of Frost | PC Sir Azure Frost | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Got Fling | 2016 | Stallion | BF Streakin Merridoc | Poos Presciption | Prescribed By Major | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Jet Fling | 2016 | Gelding | BF Streakin Merridoc | Baileys Tiny Charger | Perrins Tivio Doc | Kevin Woods | (306) 435-9608 |
Hagans Little Fling | 2015 | Stallion | BF Streakin Merridoc | Smartlittlestarlight | Paddys Irish Whiskey | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Prissy Fling | 2016 | Mare | BF Streakin Merridoc | Frenchmans Mistee | Frenchmans Guy | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Sassy Fling | 2016 | Mare | BF Streakin Merridoc | TCR A Touch Of Frost | PC Sir Azure Frost | Alistair & Erin Hagan | (204) 851-6300 |
Hagans Shadow Fling | 2016 | Gelding | BF Streakin Merridoc | Kits Dashing Val | Kits Moon Shadow | Jane Corey | (306) 741-6947 |
Hagans Strawflyfling | 2016 | Stallion | BF Streakin Merridoc | Strawflyin Illusions | Strawfly Special | Katelyn Ellis | (780) 284-8525 |
Hes A Plain Leader | 2016 | Stallion | Plain Special | CC Play The Field | Lead The Field | Brian Bloor | (403) 601-0477 |
Hezafamousdoc | 2016 | Gelding | Hezgottabefamous | JR Miss Doc | Docs Paradise | Kendra Edey | (403) 422-2460 |
Hickory Boonlit | 2016 | Stallion | Boonlit | AV Hickorys Holly | Doc San Hickory | Dean & Jeanine Edge | (403) 704-5220 |
High Octane Cowboy | 2016 | Stallion | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Too Cool Firewater | Cash Treats Flame | Candace Chevallier | (250) 718-4458 |
High On A Goldmine | 2016 | Stallion | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Honis Dashing Doll | On A High | Donna Beierbach | (306) 299-2073 |
Holy Flit Shecan Run | 2016 | Mare | Run Bully | Driftin Aire Water | Driftin Blue Fish | Renee Blanc | (250) 682-4843 |
Honorable Leroybrown | 2016 | Stallion | Sonnys Hot Rum | Im Due An Honor | Honors A Bounding | Ed Wedman | (780) 916-0788 |
Honored Redemtion | 2016 | Gelding | Jets Honored Bully | MT Colonels Hot Cash | Hot Mr Perfect | Erin Sinclair | (780) 935-0624 |
Hortons Easy Money | 2015 | Mare | Sympatico Red | Hortons Easy Jet | Hortons Specialissue | Katherine Elizabeth Langan | (250) 800-0625 |
Hot N Flamey | 2015 | Mare | Flaming Fire Water | RR Hot French Doll | Hot Colours | Louise Houben | (403) 625-7172 |
Hubba Hubba Girl | 2015 | Mare | Frenchmans Mystique | Specially Happy | Special Task | Sacha Anderson | (403) 632-5141 |
Hula Boy | 2015 | Stallion | Frenchs Hula Guy | Jeo Show Girl | Johns Eye Opener | Shane Brown | (204) 821-5239 |
Hulas War Chic | 2016 | Mare | Frenchs Hula Guy | Skaha Sky | War Easy Jet | Heidi Rooke | (604) 302-0859 |
I Spy A Lotta Fame | 2016 | Stallion | Hezgottabefamous | Gottalottasix | El Rey Burner | Lyla Mackenzie | (778) 257-5552 |
ID Holla Meet Fame | 2016 | Mare | Holla Famer | Meet The Torque | Southern Cartel | Savannah Cheney | (306) 375-7101 |
ID Hollas French Man | 2016 | Gelding | Holla Famer | JG Hectors Sunshine | RNJ Heckofafrenchman | Diane Skocdopole | (403) 740-9626 |
Ima Pepinic Goldmine | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | MTR Sheza Pepinic | Pepinics Master | Jane Corey | (306) 741-6947 |
Isle Run With Bully | 2016 | Stallion | Run Bully | MC Markala Isle | Nicola Pine | Romacordelia Cox | (250) 476-1221 |
Jack And Peppy | 2015 | Gelding | Blackgold Jack | SJ Miss Peppy Oak | Peppy Oak Mundanza | Chelsea A Moore | (205) 719-8782 |
Jack Diamond N Gold | 2016 | Mare | Blackgold Jack | Major Cashn Diamonds | El Salono | Annette Moore | (250) 784-5265 |
Jack Ill Smoke Ya | 2016 | Mare | Blackgold Jack | Mbar Miss Otoe | Ill Smoke Ya | Annette Moore | (250) 784-5265 |
Jacked Up Peppy | 2015 | Mare | Blackgold Jack | Peppy Lil Montana | Lena Talks Cash | Jonathan & Kelley Drake | (403) 620-4915 |
Jackpots Too Hot | 2016 | Gelding | Flaming Fire Water | RR Hot French Doll | Hot Colours | Louise Houben | (403) 625-7172 |
Jacks Famous Konvict | 2016 | Gelding | Blackgold Jack | SJ Miss Peppy Oak | Peppy Oak Mundanza | Lance Isaak | (587) 888-6546 |
Jacs Payday | 2016 | Gelding | TJ Jumpin Jac Frost | Payday For Lazer | Double Jac Moon | Rivard Stables | (204) 470-2635 |
Jersey Girl Got Cash | 2016 | Mare | TJ Jumpin Jac Frost | Moon Dash Special | Toms Royal Dash | Rebecca Beebe | (780) 853-0557 |
Jess Dashn On | 2015 | Gelding | Crimson Jess | Pass Em Up Pockets | High Moon In Texas | Ashley Steffensen | (306) 482-8499 |
Jess Gunnin For Cash | 2015 | Gelding | Crimson Jess | SR Genuine Cash | Dudes Genuine San | Jim Collins | (250) 318-8253 |
Jewels Classy Gal | 2015 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Kilo Dee | Docs Paradise | Meghan Gulliver | (403) 874-8520 |
JF Usain Bolt | 2016 | Stallion | Judge Cash | Miss N Rosita Lena | Miss N Cash Bar | Lorie McIvor | (780) 919-2327 |
Jordyns Smokin Judge | 2016 | Gelding | Judge Cash | Smokin Apertif | Ahilani | Lisa M Zachoda | (403) 540-0913 |
JR Dash N For Corona | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fame KN | Talented Empress | Prime Talent | Jacqueline Rookes | (204) 748-8265 |
JR Driftin With fame | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fame KN | TCR Divine Sunshine | PC Sir Azure Frost | Michelle Hollands | (204) 292-8180 |
JR Lady In Red | 2015 | Mare | Mr Red Rock Leo Bar | Silver Options | Dodadash | Shelley M Adams | (204) 851-5592 |
JR Rock N Oakie | 2016 | Stallion | Mr Red Rock Leo Bar | Laurel Elizabeth | Okey Dokey Dale | Dawn Vandersteen | (204) 871-4930 |
JR Royal Cash | 2016 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fame KN | Cashinthmoon | Royal Quick Dash | Kevin Woods | (306) 435-9608 |
JRS Blue Bar | 2016 | Mare | Mr Red Rock Leo Bar | Miss Blueberry Juice | Royal Quick Dash | Jenny Ruml | (204) 770-9709 |
Judge Austin | 2016 | Gelding | Sympatico Red | Outa Patience | Judge Cash | Vanessa Salisbury | (778) 878-6845 |
Judge Tinys Cowboy | 2015 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Tiny Judge | Judge Cash | Patricia Woods | (250) 203-4722 |
Juice In My Eye | 2015 | Mare | Brays Eye Full | MS Manitoba | Royal Tuffmister | Lonnie & Jessica Brown | (204) 851-1296 |
Just A Guy With Cash | 2015 | Gelding | Aint Seen Nothin Yet | Two Tru Rare Babe | Tru Tru Deck | Jordan Dove | (541) 980-9682 |
Just Plain Lippy | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Catalena Kisses | Dually Cat | Lisa Trach | (780) 554-8611 |
KC Frenchmans Fling | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Frenchmans Te Time | Frenchmans Guy | Katie Aylward | (306) 831-2010 |
Kits Jammin Feature | 2016 | Mare | Kits Hemp | PC Jammin Feature | PC Boons Feature | Christine D King | (204) 483-0799 |
KM Super Special | 2015 | Mare | Plain Special | Isa Sunshine Gal | No Rapid Fire | Nicole Graham & N Karasinski | (306) 750-1842 |
Knot A Plain Jane | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Look Way Up | Caught Me Lookin | Max & Corrine Tateson | (403) 363-5031 |
KW Coronas Playgun | 2016 | Stallion | Royale Cartel | Playgun Monkey | Playgun | Cody Wolbeck | (780) 781-0902 |
Ladies I Have Bugs | 2016 | Gelding | Nickster | Judys Ladybug | Judys Lineage | Karen Chobotar | (250) 485-7213 |
LD Gato En La Mina | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | LD Lil Ruf Calicocat | Strait Red Feather | LoneSum D Ranch | (204) 302-1441 |
LDK Boonlits Country Lite | 2015 | Mare | Boonlit | Cassie | Herby | Leah Kosolofski | (306) 441-6681 |
LDR A Streakin Arrow | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Zan Smart Arrow | Zan Par Arrow | Danielle Lynn Schleiffers | (509) 670-4821 |
Light On Gold | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Aunt Cybby | Light On Cash | Mary L Reimers | (403) 336-5044 |
Lil Rum Tinker | 2016 | Mare | Sonnys Hot Rum | Tinka Leda | Prime Time Pepper | Joan DeRudder | (780) 982-5626 |
Little Sexcee Cowboy | 2016 | Gelding | Guys Casanova Cowboy | JC Simply Sexcee | Merridoc | Jay & Shelly Manning | (780) 723-7504 |
Littlebitahfrostbite | 2015 | Mare | PC Double Frost | Hawks Missile | Hawkinson | Brandi Love | (403) 507-9754 |
Look N Rugged | 2015 | Mare | Caught A Wink | LMR Piper Pay Chex | Five O Clock Lark | Jacynda Didier | (780) 898-0949 |
Lookin Risky | 2016 | Mare | Caught A Wink | Easy Goldmine | Niney Nine Goldmine | Sydney Windjack | (306) 661-8959 |
Lookin Scattered | 2016 | Mare | Caught A Wink | Solano Major Scatter | Scat Kat Solanos | Camille Reesor | (403) 937-2188 |
Lynns Cowgirl | 2015 | Mare | Guys Casanova Cowboy | Lynns Blue Valentine | Hayes Blue Valentine | Cynthia Mussell | (604) 798-8781 |
Marthas Sun Frost | 2015 | Stallion | PC Double Frost | Marthas Voo Doo | Marthas Six Moons | Kim Keeley | (403) 646-3277 |
Maverick Ninety Nine | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Twisted Sipster | Sir Magic Twist | Jaime Steinkey | (306) 662-4559 |
May Nick Kiss Her | 2016 | Gelding | Nickster | Zans Bueno Gal | Zans Mister Dun | Chelsea Driedger | (204) 851-0331 |
MC Jazz Is Special | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Ruckers Jazz | Little Rucker | Charmayne Shapley | (306) 370-0438 |
MC Zipoffher Top | 2015 | Stallion | Missin Cash Effort | Goldie Pine Bar | Zipoff | Jody Pancoast | (403) 502-1353 |
Mining For France | 2015 | Gelding | Frenchmans Buck | Ninety Nine Special | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Nina Lonsberry | (306) 461-9019 |
Miss B Classic Rene | 2016 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Rita Rene | Major Rene | Susan L Coleman | (520) 208-0062 |
Miss Famousblueberry | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fame KN | Miss Blueberry Juice | Royal Quick Dash | Jessica Bruegeman | (509) 331-8007 |
Miss Mito Perfect | 2015 | Mare | Perfect Possibility | Miss Mandy Mito | Gasohol | Dee Butterfield | (403) 783-0804 |
Miss Smart Cat | 2016 | Mare | Quick Smart Cat | Sunnys Miss Lilie | Beves Little Tonto | William or Holly Hollingshead | (306) 435-9137 |
Missnstreaksforcash | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Miss N Cielo | Gallo Del Cielo | Del Bieleny | (780) 210-3995 |
Mister Lucky Money | 2016 | Stallion | MRH Fancy Money | KSC Bugs Alive | Gunrunner Sonny | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Money 101 | 2015 | Stallion | Perks French Cash | Mileys Red Thief | Identity Theft | Kristina S Leduc | (250) 674-8105 |
Moneys Cash Perks | 2016 | Stallion | MRH Fancy Money | Whata Special Perk | MC B Que Paza | Rachelle A Boyes | (204) 483-0369 |
Moneys Dashing Val | 2016 | Mare | MRH Fancy Money | Marymay | Dashing Val | Jackie Wilton | (204) 483-0486 |
Moneys Six | 2015 | Gelding | MRH Fancy Money | Starborne Six | Sixarun | Jordan C Thomson | (519) 375-4267 |
Moneys Special One | 2015 | Stallion | MRH Fancy Money | Whotta One | Dash For Perks | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Moneys Super Fancy | 2016 | Mare | MRH Fancy Money | Mitos Super Girl | Mitos Perfection | Kirk R Bridgeman | (204) 826-2060 |
Moneys Sweet Heart | 2015 | Mare | MRH Fancy Money | BB Ole Butterfly | Ole Heart Throb | Shelley M Adams | (204) 851-5592 |
Mooneys Firen Flame | 2016 | Mare | Firen Hard | Go Moonbeam Gal | Go Man Go Gaton | Linda Gates | (306) 859-7738 |
Mr Special Guy | 2015 | Stallion | Perks French Cash | Eyema Special Lady | Mr Eye Opener | Carol Gran | (306) 236-5134 |
Mrlanesspecial Boots | 2016 | Gelding | Root Beers Boots | RNL Proudest Lane | Proudest Effort | Gary J Keenan | (250) 558-0571 |
My Flame Burns Gold | 2016 | Stallion | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Her Flaming Pride | Pica Kilobar | Lindsy Smith | (306) 375-7788 |
My Secret Charm | 2015 | Mare | Secret Zoom | A Beduino Charmer | Rightfully A Beduino | Kevin Bridgeman | (204) 847-2112 |
Nicknack Paddywack | 2016 | Stallion | Nickster | Gaelic Lady | Jody O Toole | Chelsea Driedger | (204) 851-0331 |
Nicks Fame N Ritz | 2016 | Mare | Nickster | Neat Little Nic | Neat Little Cat | Lonnie & Jessica Brown | (204) 851-1296 |
Nicks First Time | 2015 | Gelding | Nickster | Sheza Taken Her Time | Eye Take Time | Sandra J Spencer | (306) 482-8466 |
Nicks In Paradise | 2015 | Mare | Nickster | Sugarcoated Paradise | Docs Paradise | Jason & Colleen Ahntholz | (204) 761-0609 |
Nicksters Shadow | 2016 | Stallion | Nickster | Little Past Morning | Bar Hemp | Barb Millar | (519) 217-6702 |
Nics Perfect Arrgmnt | 2016 | Gelding | Nickster | Perfect Muffet | Perfect Possibility | Gaileen Babcock | (250) 264-8895 |
Nine And Mine | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | RNJ Little Joy | WFR Little Joe | Jamee & Daniel Coupe | (306) 298-4516 |
Ninety Nine Magic | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Wranglers In Black | Black Magic 497 | Miranda Dunn | (306) 531-2521 |
Ninety Nine Sparks | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Blowin Sparks | Smoke N Sparks | Marion K MacDonald | (902) 890-6311 |
Nitro 99 | 2016 | Stallion | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Dash N Win | Star Fire Dash | Jocelyn Sauve | (306) 212 7221 |
Now We Talkin | 2015 | Mare | Frenchs Hula Guy | Lil Bitts Of Bullion | Bully Bullion | Kalena & Dan Webb | (208) 880-0308 |
Now We're Talkin | 2015 | Stallion | Sonnys Hot Rum | Hitch N The Dream | NCT Dream Maker | Carrie Wedman | (780) 405-5500 |
Number One CD | 2015 | Gelding | CD Jewel | Trader D Double Dee | Super Trader Bar | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
One Special Solano | 2015 | Mare | Plain Special | Miss Solanos Freedom | Solanos Peppy San | Delaney Theresa Douglas | (403) 793-7332 |
Parkers Firewater | 2016 | Mare | SR Mr Firewater | Parkers Fame | Tac Ta Fame | Becky Ring | (403) 510-0884 |
PC Judging Bythe Sun | 2016 | Stallion | Judge Cash | PC Suntrific | Sun Frost | James & Dawn Rae Gray | (204) 886-7274 |
Perfect Shot Of Pep | 2016 | Gelding | Perfect Possibility | Miss Mandy Mito | Gasohol | Dee Butterfield | (403) 783-0804 |
Picked Me A Goldmine | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Ms Pepinics Pick | Major Pepinic | Hallie T Roy | (306) 861-3572 |
Pitch Purfect | 2015 | Mare | Perfect Possibility | Zevi Bar Hemp | Bar Hemp | Gary & Kerri Babcook | (780) 621-6806 |
PJ Easy Wrangler | 2015 | Gelding | Crimson Jess | JDS Snazzy Cash | Givemalickin | Pam & Josie Veer | (306) 730-8346 |
Plainly Special Dude | 2016 | Gelding | Plain Special | Zans Diamond Ladybug | Dudes Genuine San | Roger & Lindsay Gunderson | (250) 783-3277 |
Playboy Goldmine | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Playboys Lil Kit | Kit Dual | Doug Wilson | (306) 662-8577 |
Playin Famouslee | 2016 | Stallion | Hezgottabefamous | Moms The Barmaid | Plenty O Style | Kim Keeley | (403) 646-3277 |
Pocinik | 2016 | Mare | Nickster | NBS Poco Aiden | JDS Lucky Cash | Sherrie L Ross | (204) 851-0325 |
Preppies Last Clymer | 2016 | Mare | Preppies Last | Generals Cactus | General Bonanza | Anjie Marie Kowalsky | (780) 712-7004 |
Pride O Perfection | 2016 | Mare | Raisin The Moon | Thermo Down | Perfect Possibility | Stephanie & Landon Warkentin | (780) 219-5831 |
Promise Fulfilled | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Genuine Gold Bond | Genuine 007 | Celeste Montpellier | (403) 741-4194 |
Promise Me Fame Guys | 2016 | Gelding | Aint Seen Nothin Yet | Bar Blue Lass | FC Aboo | Tenley Epperson | (406) 390-0392 |
PS Imafoxy Beretta | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Fineleah Filly | BNE Dandy Pine | Bonita Lee Lund | (403) 308-4566 |
Purdy Lil Design | 2016 | Stallion | Slick By Design | Purdy Lil Thing | Shake Em Open | Clay & Angela Mastad | (306) 874-7041 |
Purely Frosted | 2015 | Gelding | PC Double Frost | Boundry Girl | Pure D Dash | Ed Wedman | (780) 916-0788 |
Pyper | 2015 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Pepsi | Profit Increase | Kim Jackson | (204) 638-0026 |
Quick Movin Guy | 2015 | Gelding | Frenchmans Buck | Kenettas Duchess | Fast Moon Chic | Meghan Gulliver | (403) 874-8520 |
Quick N Dashing | 2015 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fame KN | Cashinthmoon | Royal Quick Dash | April Callander | (204) 871-4570 |
Raised Ta Be Famous | 2016 | Mare | Raisin The Moon | Fleet Footed Flo | Dash Ta Fame | Cranna Roberts | (403) 318-9987 |
Raisin A Perfect | 2016 | Mare | Raisin The Moon | Marthas Perfect | Perfect Possibility | Louise Houben | (403) 625-7172 |
Raisin Fast | 2015 | Gelding | Raisin The Moon | Fast Possibility | Perfect Possibility | Brook Robertson | (403) 704-7602 |
Rare Sunfrosted | 2015 | Gelding | Straw Perry Special | TCR Divine Sun Shine | PC Sir Azure Frost | Charmaine Grad | (306) 527-7723 |
Rare Wrangler | 2015 | Mare | Hezgottabefamous | Shes In Rare Form | Rare Form | Lisa Thue | (306) 796-7122 |
Rare Zoomin Moon | 2016 | Gelding | Raisin The Moon | Fore Zoom | Shazoom | Judy Veer | (403) 638-8235 |
Razin Hell | 2015 | Gelding | Boonlit | Razin War | Perfect Possibility | Molly B Marquardt | (780) 523-0802 |
Red Honky Tonk Angel | 2015 | Mare | Sympatico Red | Takin On A Bully | Takin On Shawne | Linda Ann Geensen | (250) 398-8159 |
Reds Firewater Gypsy | 2015 | Mare | Sympatico Red | Miss Bully Firewater | Cruisin On Firewater | Sandra Talarico | (250) 457-7356 |
RHR Peppy Sunshine | 2015 | Mare | Hes A Zippy Jack | Mbar Miss Peppy | Ill Smoke Ya | Randall B McIntyre | (204) 365-0372 |
Ripin For Gold | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Rips Desert Spoon | Rips Sport Model | Jennifer Stettner | (306) 718-7489 |
RNR Jackofalltrades | 2015 | Gelding | Blackgold Jack | Echo Lani | Ahilani | Annette Moore | (250) 784-5265 |
RNR Lickety Split | 2016 | Mare | Blackgold Jack | Regal And Gone | A Regal Choice | Holly Mosher | (250) 788-5305 |
RNR Mudanza Gold | 2015 | Mare | Blackgold Jack | Mbar Sue | Two Eyed JJ | Justine Berg | (250) 788-6207 |
Rocket Ta Paradise | 2015 | Gelding | Hezgottabefamous | Dee Motion Bar | Docs Paradise | Paige Meyer | (403) 968-2508 |
Royal Jet Dee | 2016 | Mare | Barely Royal | CL Stella Dee | Frenchmans Dot Com | Jordyn Riehl | (519) 949-1509 |
Royal Jet Eye | 2016 | Stallion | Barely Royal | Three Days Grace | Eye Take Time | Natasha Barisoff | (778) 834-0879 |
Royal Jet Fame | 2016 | Gelding | Barely Royal | Button Cute Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Violet Antoine | (250) 457-3563 |
Royal Jet Frost | 2016 | Gelding | Barely Royal | Sugar Frosted Leo | Ima Sun Frost | Amanda Miller | (403) 507-9764 |
Royal Jet Go | 2016 | Stallion | Barely Royal | Beautifuldistraction | First Across Theline | Wendy Playfair | (403) 729-3098 |
Royal Lena Cleopatra | 2016 | Mare | Barely Royal | Josapepina | Josappy | Kate McKim-Keil | (403) 564-4206 |
RQF Royal Temptation | 2016 | Mare | Royal Quik Frenchman | Teaz Na Tiny Biankus | Bi Lucka Buck | RQF Performance Horses LLC | (406) 590-8558 |
RQF Tuckers Quikgirl | 2015 | Mare | Royal Quik Frenchman | Tuckers Blue Girl | Dox King Tuck | RQF Performance Horses LLC | (406) 590-8558 |
Rrrflingmeadream | 2015 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fling | Snooze Bar | Darn That Alarm | Kasey Hiatt | (701) 648-8363 |
Rumantic Dream | 2015 | Mare | Sonnys Hot Rum | Roany Romance | NCT Dream Maker | Jake Wedman | (780) 405-5500 |
Runlikaboon | 2016 | Stallion | Boonlit | Runaway Attitude | Ocean Runaway | Chris or Ronda Sayers | (306) 441-4358 |
RW Special Lookin | 2015 | Gelding | Plain Special | Take A Peek Eh | Smart Little Baggins | Whitney Curry | (403) 793-0799 |
Scootin Boogie Boots | 2015 | Gelding | Root Beers Boots | Go J Tiger Gal Go | Mr Go Tiger Go | Merle Mohlenkamp | (204) 481-7774 |
Secret Jackie | 2016 | Mare | Secret Zoom | Leolee Rey | Sonitas Reyson | Tess Mortenson | (701) 243-6451 |
Secret Sonita | 2016 | Mare | Secret Zoom | Miss Sonita San Jack | Sonitas Reyson | Kevin Bridgeman | (204) 847-2112 |
Seis So Sixy | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Milagro Seis | Sixarun | Donna Beierbach | (306) 299-2073 |
Seis So Slick | 2016 | Mare | Slick By Design | Zacalo | Tres Seis | Carrie L Suitor | (403) 566-3996 |
Sexy White Socks | 2016 | Mare | Prime Talent | Shez Easy On The Eyes | Frenchmans Guy | Cranna Roberts | (403) 318-9987 |
SF Class A Fame | 2016 | Mare | LK Sun Fame | Class A Signature | Cowboys Rodeo | Tessa Chabot | (250) 398-0173 |
SF Six Moons Solano | 2015 | Stallion | Deputy Chester | Raw Justice | Marthas Six Moons | Simmone L Fowler | (250) 303-3392 |
SF Spicy Fame | 2016 | Mare | Run Bully | Smidgen Of Spice | Dash Ta Fame | Romacordelia Cox | (250) 476-1221 |
Shake Out The Frost | 2015 | Gelding | PC Double Frost | Funtime Bobbie | Royal Shake Em | Sandra Lewis | (250) 309-4065 |
Shaken Coronas | 2016 | Mare | Royale Cartel | Kathys Stat Express | Royal Shake Em | Karen & Kelle Lee Noble | (250) 309-6854 |
Shawnes Dash Ta Fame | 2015 | Mare | Debt Eliminator | Pepinics Shawne | Pepinics Master | Trisha McPhee | (306) 544-7911 |
Shez Hollan Gold | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Rosie Down Streakin | Holland Ease | Donna Beierbach | (306) 299-2073 |
Shez Mine All Mine | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Star Water Two | Fire Water Flit | Doug Wilson | (306) 662-8577 |
Shezgottabe Penny | 2016 | Mare | Hezgottabefamous | Glo Penny | Dunnys Especial Glo | Katie Anderson | (306) 476-7370 |
Shine On Crackin | 2015 | Mare | Crackin Hickory | Eldorado Shiney Lady | Durable Shine | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
Silky Fling | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | A Touch Of Silk | Stoli | Elaine Watt | (403) 625-1670 |
SL Shesgotthejack | 2015 | Mare | LK Sun Fame | Class A Signature | Cowboys Rodeo | Shawna Lynne LeBlanc | (250) 303-0093 |
Slick By Lucille | 2015 | Gelding | Slick By Design | Lucy Lucille | Reckless Dash | Alitia Duguay | (514) 238-0901 |
Smart Lil Sun Fame | 2016 | Mare | LK Sun Fame | Smart Little Zeva | Tuckn Bar Bonanza | Lynette Galloway | (403) 704-4223 |
Smokin Hot Bikini | 2016 | Mare | Barely Royal | Hot Bikini Blush | Hot Colours | Kyla Krisa | (250) 808-5297 |
Smore Gold Please | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Howes Ya Doodle Bug | Leo Nick Bar | Bob & Monica Wilson | (403) 308-8280 |
Solenas Zoom | 2016 | Stallion | Secret Zoom | Solenas Lightning | Playin In Lightnin | Carla Fouillard | (204) 683-2434 |
Special And Swift | 2015 | Gelding | Plain Special | Miss Swift Tivio | Swift Darkness | Millie & Sarina Stirling | (250) 667-5821 |
Special Piece Of Pie | 2016 | Mare | Frenchmans Buck | Parklane Special | Strawfly Special | Alexis Sarauer | (780) 294-8580 |
Spin Dee Rella | 2015 | Mare | Barely Royal | Dee Dee Dan Dee Zipp | Suddenly Zipp Dee | Sacha Anderson | (403) 632-5141 |
Spoons First Fling | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Rips Desert Spoon | Rips Sport Model | Renie Schnitzler | (306) 220-3245 |
SR Checkoutmyboots | 2015 | Mare | Root Beers Boots | KR Check Me Out | Six Fols | Kent & Kara Drake | (306) 681-4570 |
SR Dudesgotabefamous | 2015 | Stallion | Hezgottabefamous | Zans Diamond Ladybug | Dudes Genuine San | Shayleen Mizera | (780) 712-1671 |
SR Famous Frenchman | 2016 | Gelding | Hezgottabefamous | Dream Chasin Frenchy | Frenchmans Guy | Taylor Truax | (403) 975-5900 |
SR Famousfrenchgypsy | 2016 | Mare | Hezgottabefamous | Laughin French Gypsy | Frenchmans Guy | Caroline Heffernan | (403) 803-0224 |
SR Guy On Fire | 2016 | Gelding | A Classic Guy | RS Smokinfirewater | Fire Water Flit | Kelli McLeod | (587) 377-6260 |
SR Guysleadingasset | 2015 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Leading Asset | Special Leader | Lindsay Loomis | (250) 219-0844 |
SR Hezfastnfamous | 2016 | Gelding | Hezgottabefamous | Speedy Jets | Fast Moon Chic | Twila Zunti | (306) 228-8876 |
SR Jess Givem Cash | 2015 | Gelding | Crimson Jess | Cheatin For Cash | Givemalickin | Kyra Block | (306) 421-2992 |
SR Lajolla Boots | 2016 | Mare | Root Beers Boots | La Jolla Avenger | Streakin La Jolla | Terry & Kelli McLeod | (250) 794-7760 |
SR Luvnenvymyboots | 2016 | Mare | Root Beers Boots | Tainted Luv | Valiant Hero | Ken & Lynette Brodoway | (403) 501-4928 |
SR Oughttobeaclassic | 2015 | Mare | A Classic Guy | KR Ought Six | Ought To Be First | Brooklyn Hagel | (403) 928-7019 |
SR Rootbeermargarita | 2016 | Mare | Root Beers Boots | Southern Margarita | Southern Cartel | Jody Scoular | (780) 222-1665 |
SR Rowdy Moon Boots | 2015 | Gelding | Root Beers Boots | Manets Six Moons | Marthas Six Moons | Ken & Lynette Brodoway | (403) 501-4928 |
SR Shezndabooktafame | 2015 | Mare | Hezgottabefamous | Chicky Kilo Doc | Docs Paradise | Kirby Penttila | (403) 700-4263 |
SR Smartdressedguy | 2016 | Gelding | A Classic Guy | A Smart Sugar Badger | Smart Sugar Badger | Danny Williams | (306) 375-7079 |
SR Special Makeover | 2015 | Stallion | Plain Special | Extreme Makeover | A Classic Dash | Sharon Stettner | (403) 393-3749 |
SR Specialritzychick | 2016 | Mare | Plain Special | Chicky Jo | Docs Paradise | Molly B Marquardt | (780) 523-0802 |
SR Streakinclassic | 2016 | Mare | A Classic Guy | Streakin Miss Tina | Streakin La Jolla | Matthew & Ashley Roy | (306) 716-5154 |
SR Wind N My Boots | 2015 | Mare | Root Beers Boots | JDS Wind River | Sun Wind And Fire | Chyanne Ogle | (306) 642-8090 |
SRL Classified | 2015 | Mare | Capton TJ | SDCC Woodys Gotta Go | Wily Wooddrifter | Debbie Champagne | (204) 771-1563 |
SRL Jumpindash | 2016 | Gelding | Capton TJ | Laralayn | Jumpn | Rosalyn D Bennie Lockie | (204) 658-3366 |
SRS Drastic Virtue | 2015 | Gelding | Touch Of Virtue | Drastically | Runaway Winner | Keri-Lynne Young | (306) 290-7820 |
SRS Ima Southern Gal | 2016 | Mare | Touch Of Virtue | Imaspecialkindagirl | Southern Cartel | Amber Dawes | (250) 954-8459 |
SRS Moo Vin Virtue | 2016 | Gelding | Touch Of Virtue | Crime Girl | Crimewave | Keri Lee | (306) 383-7079 |
SRS Nonstop Virtue | 2016 | Stallion | Touch Of Virtue | Ima Firewater | Fire Water Flit | Kimberly Salmond | (306) 278-7551 |
SRS Touch Of Eyz | 2015 | Mare | Touch Of Virtue | Eyzanee | Mr Eye Opener | Theresa Szachury | (306) 750-7109 |
SRS Touchy Times | 2016 | Mare | Touch Of Virtue | Docs Bullion Gal | Eye Take Time | Robin Wasieczko | (780) 307-2799 |
SS Ninety Nine MPH | 2015 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Such A Fastball | Such Easy Cash | Sandra Stewart | (306) 861-2229 |
SS Swinger | 2016 | Mare | BDB Famous Swing | Ms Goldmine | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Casey Barbour | (???) 421-1167 |
SS Tomahawk | 2015 | Gelding | BDB Famous Swing | Ms Goldmine | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Sandra Stewart | (306) 861-2229 |
Stoli Makes Me Holla | 2015 | Mare | Holla Famer | Ima Stoli Too | Stoli | Alysha Pastor | (250) 253-8571 |
Streak Ta Fling | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Daves Jet Ta Fame | Dash Ta Fame | Brad & Karen Gleason | (509) 386-5677 |
Streakin Stoli Babe | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Emerald Beach | Stoli | Dawn Gertner | (403) 742-9621 |
Streaking Sugar Bars | 2016 | Mare | Yagottawantastreak | DB Frosty Sugar Bar | Colonel Sugar Jet | Robyn Denbow | (204) 534-7463 |
Streakn French Style | 2015 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | Frenchmans Donna | Frenchmans Guy | Jodie Neudorf | (780) 897-7765 |
Sum Good Crackin CD | 2015 | Mare | Crackin Hickory | Laneys Last CD | CD Jewel | Berteig Performance Horses | (306) 553-0004 |
Sum R French | 2015 | Mare | Perks French Cash | Sum R Natural | A Natural | Bertina Olafson | (306) 865-6600 |
Sum R Naturally Fast | 2016 | Mare | TJ Jumpin Jac Frost | Sum R Fast | Capital Flight | Darren & Leeann Shauf | (306) 540-6112 |
Super Smooth Money | 2016 | Stallion | MRH Fancy Money | Marthas Super Smooth | Super Lucky Six Pack | Jerri-Lynn Marshall | (204) 761-8258 |
Swing On Bye | 2015 | Stallion | BDB Famous Swing | Go Wave Bye | Crimewave | Andrea Graham | (204) 725-8115 |
Telling French Lies | 2016 | Gelding | Frenchs Hula Guy | Tell No Lies | Haidas Little Pep | Ute Baumeister | (250) 261-3874 |
The Flash Is Back | 2015 | Stallion | Cer Jess Be Nimble | Anty Sal | Crimewave | Michelle Davey | (204) 720-2538 |
The Perfect Approach | 2016 | Mare | Raisin The Moon | Perfect Is Easy | Perfect Possibility | Anne Lawes | (403) 556-9855 |
The Perfect Rocket | 2016 | Gelding | Perfect Possibility | Miss Tara Deck | Taras First Love | Craig & Dee Butterfield | (403) 783-0804 |
The Perfect Shot | 2016 | Mare | Perfect Possibility | Tias Gas Duster | Gasohol | Dee Butterfield | (403) 783-0804 |
The Special Nick | 2016 | Gelding | As Good As Nick Gets | Wretched Effort | Special Effort | Taylor Manning | (780) 712-9434 |
Thefireandtheflood | 2016 | Mare | Flaming Fire Water | Financial Flood | Financially | Louise Houben | (403) 625-7172 |
Things Are Lookin Up | 2016 | Gelding | Special Looki Wagon | Streakin CC | Streakin La Jolla | Julie Leggett | (250) 320-5598 |
Timed Perfect | 2015 | Mare | Perfect Possibility | Zoomin Time | Shazoom | Jessie Vandenbroek | (403) 963-0879 |
TJ Frosted Lady | 2015 | Mare | TJ Jumpin Jac Frost | Sum R Fast | Capital Flight | Jinny Gosselin | (418) 805-6445 |
TJ Major Attitude | 2015 | Gelding | TJ Jumpin Jac Frost | Majors Doc Mose | Mito Major Force | Rod & Tamara McDermit | (306) 737-4766 |
TJ Trouble Shooter | 2015 | Gelding | TJ Jumpin Jac Frost | Zumo Gal | Zumo Dat Cash | Shauna Peters | (306) 750-9535 |
Too Streakin Famous | 2016 | Stallion | A Streak Of Fling | SB Halieva | Dash Ta Fame | Harvey & Cathy Bueckert | (587) 586-8794 |
Triple Crown Perks | 2015 | Mare | Boonlit | St Bars Perks | Dash For Perks | Michelle Goodman | (250) 609-1631 |
Triples Fast Fling | 2016 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fling | Gimme A Fast Triple | Fast Moon Chic | Rylee McKenzie | (780) 614-7015 |
Truluck Boon | 2015 | Gelding | Boonlit | Waterlily Lena | Scotto Spider | Chris or Ronda Sayers | (306) 441-4358 |
Truth Four Lies | 2015 | Mare | Frenchs Hula Guy | Tell No Lies | Haidas Little Pep | Jodie Neudorf | (780) 897-7765 |
Twisted Secret | 2016 | Mare | Secret Zoom | Forever Twistin | Solanos Peppy San | Lelond Farms Arrow River Ltd | (204) 851-6309 |
Two Fast For Fire | 2016 | Gelding | A Streak Of Fame KN | Might Mellow Yellow | Honors Last Chance | April Callander | (204) 871-4570 |
Unos Sugar Rush | 2016 | Gelding | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Unos Sugar Bear | Sugars Plain Remedy | Calvin Olson | (306) 662-8333 |
Victorious Goldmine | 2016 | Mare | Ninety Nine Goldmine | Rapid Prospect | Really Rapid Andy | Justina Tomkiewych | (780) 305-6930 |
Vinnys Back In Black | 2015 | Gelding | Vinny Van Go | Cash Dat Fly | Zumo Dat Cash | Courtney Mailhot | (250) 303-2664 |
Virtues Sassy Tivio | 2015 | Mare | Touch Of Virtue | Doconita Tivio | Macho Domino | Theresa Szachury | (306) 750-7109 |
Wanna B Famous | 2016 | Mare | Run Bully | Double Shot Of Spice | PC Double Frost | Shane Thomson | (604) 819-0584 |
WC Cinderwood Cool | 2015 | Mare | Mbar Otoe | Cow Lady Cool | JB Power Ten | Kelly D McIntyre | (204) 365-0136 |
What Color Am I Now | 2016 | Mare | A Streak Of Fling | From Utah Ta Fame | Poco Lijerito | Tracy Matkea | (780) 940-9772 |
Whenthestarsalign | 2016 | Gelding | Prime Talent | Startini | Stoli | Lana Tibbetts | (406) 951-2394 |
Winkin At My Nickers | 2016 | Gelding | Nickster | Pepinics Miss Peppy | Pepinics Master | Robert & Andrea Udal | (306) 661-8771 |
Winks Shadows | 2016 | Mare | Caught A Wink | Sweetwithease | Kits Moon Shadow | Doug Wilson | (306) 662-8577 |
Wrangle Ta Fame | 2016 | Gelding | Hezgottabefamous | Shes In Rare Form | Rare Form | Jessica Monette | (450) 275-4729 |
WS Radiquil Cat | 2016 | Mare | Im A Catolena | WS Radiquil Kate | BSF Shortys Shaker | Willow Spring Ranch | (403) 646-5671 |
Yagotta Love Rhumors | 2016 | Gelding | Yagottawantastreak | Alabama Rhumors | Alabama Okie | McGee Livestock | (204) 747-4452 |
Yagotta Streakin Ace | 2016 | Gelding | Yagottawantastreakk | Miss Pearly Ace | Bucks Dusty Ace | Jamie A Denbow | (204) 741-0254 |
Yagottastayalert | 2016 | Mare | Yagottawantastreak | Alabama Hooknup | Alabama Okie | Cindy Brock | (306) 483-8410 |
Zooms Ms Doc | 2016 | Mare | Secret Zoom | Sonitas Ms Doc | Sonitas Reyson | Kevin Bridgeman | (204) 847-2112 |
ZZ Another Classyguy | 2015 | Gelding | A Classic Guy | RB Cash First | Another Feature | Clay & Angela Mastad | (306) 874-7041 |
ZZ Streakin Boonlit | 2015 | Stallion | Boonlit | Lovies June Bug | Kiddin N Buggin | Cayleigh Cote | (250) 319-7079 |
ZZ Streakin Ta First | 2016 | Mare | BF Streakin Merridoc | RB Cash First | Another Feature | Twila Zunti | (306) 228-8876 |