Year of Birth: 2014
Color: Sorrel
Height: 15.3 hh
Weight: 1000 lbs
Owner: Lisa Nault
Phone: (403) 348-1130
Standing At: Alberta Vet Center Red Deer, Alberta
Semen: Shipped Canada and the US
Incentive Eligibility: CBHI, CBHI SS, VGBRA, Western Fortunes
After his successful futurity year, Wink has proven to be levelheaded, athletic and willing. All traits we are seeing in his colts. Watch for him on the road to the derbies in 2020 with Lisa Nault.
A proven 1D and Futurity winner, the future is looking bright for him as a performance horse as well as a sire. Though his offspring have not hit the competitive arena yet, they are proving to have correct conformation, trainable minds and great personalities.
His sire is the one and only DASH TA FAME, the number one sire of barrel horses for over 12 years. And his Dam is the full sister to Tammy Fischer’s NFR horse MP QUICK MONEY, and a daughter of PC FRENCHMANS HAYDAY (DINERO). DINERO is also a NFR qualifier, in both Barrel Racing and Team Roping, as well as the sire of World Champions, including Sherry Cervi’s mare MP METER MY HAY (STINGRAY) and Hailey Kinsel’s mare DM SISSY HAYDAY (SISTER).
Stallion Fee: $1000.00 CDN LFG
Stallion's Website >Pedigree >
Notable Achievements:
2019 Canadian Barrel Futurities Reserve Hi-Point Champion, LTE $$18,000.00+
- 2019 Bill Robinson Memorial Futurity, Champion
- 2019 South Country Futurity 2nd go, 2nd place
- 2019 Yellow Rose Futurity Reserve Champion
- 2019 VGBRA Barrel Daze Futurity 1st go, 2nd place