The Goods and Services Tax is a 5% fee charged by the Canadian Government on goods and services purchased in Canada.

Complete a “Offspring Enrolment” form, complete it, & send it in along with your payment and a copy of the registration papers.

Send the sire and dam’s names along with the foaling date. Make sure you forward a copy of the registration papers when you receive them.

That depends on the age of the foal and if any previous payments have been made. Contact the office by email at

A weanling during the year it was foaled by December 1st of that year is a one-time fee $200 to pay in full or you can select to use the payment schedule under the rules section.

Weanlings are considered another year older on January 1st. For example, if it was foaled in May, you only have until December 1st of the year it was foaled to pay it in for the one-time weanling fee of $200.

If you can’t find your horse’s name listed it means the office doesn’t have a copy of your registration papers. Make sure you forward a copy to the office.

Always check with the WF office to see if a foal is paid into Western Fortunes Inc. before you buy. E-mail the office at and we will look it up for you.

Forward a copy of the registration papers to the office and we will update the information. Make sure that we have your current mailing address.

Breed your mare to any Western Fortunes Inc. nominated stallion and once the resulting offspring in enrolled into the program the breeder (mare owner at the time of breeding) will be automatically enrolled into the Western Fortunes Inc. program at no charge. The breeder will get a 20% pay-out for as long as the offspring wins Western Fortunes Inc. incentive money. 20% will be paid to the breeder even if the mare is no longer with you.

On the event producer’s entry form, designate WF horse. Use the horse’s registered name only (spelled correctly) NO BARN NAMES.
Complete an online WF Sidepot Entry form and upload a copy of the front and back of registration papers directly on the WF website before the start of the event. NOTE: No entries will be taken after the event has started or ended!
When a draw is posted be sure that a WF is by your name. If there isn’t a WF by your name on the draw sheet go to the show office and make sure that they have you entered in the WF side-pot.

The Stallion owner and the Breeder’s payouts are sent 30 days after the last co-sanction event of the year. Make sure that the WF office has your current contact information on file.

Western Fortunes Inc. will contact the stallion owner by email.
Failure to answer the email by the deadline date listed in the New Stallion letter or declining the nomination opening will result in the stallion being moved to the bottom of the waitlist.
Failure to answer the email by the deadline date listed in the New Stallion letter or declining the nomination opening for a second time will result in the stallion being taken off the waitlist. The stallion owner will have to submit another stallion waitlist form to have the stallion added back onto the bottom of the list.

Complete the WF Event Request form online. The event request form must be received by August 1st the year prior to event. (Example: August 1, 2023 for 2024)

If the offspring was conceived in the year that the stallion was nominated, then the resulting foal is eligible to enrol into the program. Please refer to the “Past Stallions” list to see the year/s the sire was nominated. WF will also honor one rebreed, the following year only,  provided that the original breeding contract, stallion service payment records, and any veterinary breeding documentation is provided to the WF office along with the resulting offspring’s enrolment.